Ini adalah artikel publikasi dari tesis saya yang berjudul “Perbandingan Peramalan Beban Listrik Jangka Pendek antara Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan dengan Logika Fuzzy.” Artikel ini dipublikasikan pada Jurnal SAINSTEK Vol. XII No. 1 September 2009.
This research is conducted to apply Fuzzy Logic which is implemented in short-term load forecasting. Data that is used for short-term load forecasting are historical load data and temperature data. The data is analyzed to learn the load characteristic of Sumbar system which is used as references for making rules in Fuzzy Logic. The Fuzzy Logic model is made using fuzzy logic toolbox that is provided by Matlab. The forecasting result is compared with the actual load. It is seen from the experiment that the advantage of fuzzy logic is its rules that are made from supplied data.
Keywords: Fuzzy Logic, load forecasting, rules
How to cite:
APA 6th:
Effendi, H. (2009). Aplikasi logika fuzzy untuk peramalan beban listrik jangka pendek menggunakan Matlab. SAINSTEK, XII(1), 52-58.
[1] H. Effendi, “Aplikasi logika fuzzy untuk peramalan beban listrik jangka pendek menggunakan Matlab,” SAINSTEK, vol. XII, pp. 52-58, 2009.